Difference between Streamates and Camsharks?


Full Member
So what is the difference? What are the benefits? I am experimenting right now with different camsites trying to figure out how to maximize my earning potential with what little time I have. I am already a Streamates model, will joining Camsharks be any different? Will they even let me if I am already a Streamates model? Will I have to close my Streamates account to join Camsharks? I don't want to lose all of my awesome comments and my 5 star ratings that I worked so hard for. Thank you in advance for any information and advice.


Full Member
You can't have two accounts on Streamate. Camsharks is a studio and they there's a big con - they take more of your money so you're not even making 35% (think you get 20 or 25%? can't remember). Studios cannot guarantee more traffic, better traffic, nor can they improve your placement. Even if they did, would it be enough to cover the money you'd be losing in the first place? Stick with working with SM directly, work hard, promote yourself, push your cammodel link, and make the full percentage.