- Notifying websites who infringe on copyrighted material


Sr. Member
So I've been seeing these websites with photos/videos of my shows both public & private. At this point I can't tell. I'm sure there's a few more floating around out there in cyperspace.

Those three domain names are linked. Of course when you search the WHOIS, it's anonymous. No surprise there. So, I went to their DMCA page and they have the nerve to ask for private information like telephone number, email address, etc. in order to dispute any of the content. I think "yeah right, you idiot!" I think I will go straight to, pay a fee and be done with this BS. There are tons of models on there. I know it's the web and most likely will be an endless fight as long as I'm in the adult industry, but it has to be at least curtailed.

I'm just wondering if this is MFC doing this without the knowledge of cam models or an individual?