FriendFinder filing chapter 11 - Streamray/Cams


Full Member
Now this is still a shock for me as I am not 100% sure what to feel or what to do.

This mornig I turned on my news and the sliding news bites at he bottom mentioned Friendfinder filing chapter 11. Yea I actually felt my heart jump when I saw because that is where I am currently working and been on there since March 18, 2003.

Now I took some time and contacted Streamray Models by phone and by support chat. Because I was concerned FriendFinder Chapter 11 would affect me and the models on the site.

Customers support said he couldn't confirm on anything just that he is worried just like I am if something more should happen. Chat Support. said that business runs as usual and that models should keep working as usual and business is rolling.

Now if your just finding about this news, take a deep breath but this just gave me a shock since I relie on the cam sites so much for my income and I can imagine the models who work overseas would be feeling the same thing.