Funny (but painfully moronic) Fetish Story of the Day


So, I have this guy who had me rub ketchup all over myself after dumping it on my face/chest yesterday. Today, he wanted another show. Well, I used up all of my ketchup and have a bachelor fridge going on because I need to hit the grocery store.

All I had was BBQ sauce and salsa. I told him this. He said to use both. I didn't think anything of it.

Long story short: I ended up telling him to end the show (because I couldn't see to do it) and running out of my bedroom with my eyeballs on fire. My boyfriend had to help me wash my eyes out.

Wow. I'm a moron. lol He laughed and told me it was a bad idea and he wondered why I was doing it (the bf). I don't understand why he didn't tell me?! lol

>.< Embarrassed but had to share the hilarity of me running down the hall spilling salsa everywhere along the way. So much for laying my waterproof mat down...