GURU Question


Full Member
Hi friends,

Our Cam Guru, is taking a little vay-cay, but we got a question on her Cam Guru page. i don't want to leave the person hanging so i was hoping you all could help with the question. here it is.

Dear cam Guru,
My wife and I performe(d) as a couple on Chaturbate. Problem is that we don't really know how to make money as a camming couple. We got around 120-130 people in our room, but we had not enough patience (btw what are we waiting for?) and really like to play with each other, so we gave it all away for free (more or less). Ok, imagine that people do want to pay for our camming performance, what do they want to pay for? And how do we behave if no money is there yet?
I hope your Holiness the Cam GURU can spare some of his precious time to answer these questions. We'll bring some fruits, vegetables and rice to the temple as a token of our appreciation.

thank you in advance for your help with this one.