Have video sizes/resolutions changed on Stripchat?


The title is very vague, apologies.
But a model I frequent always has her video a specific way and she knows exactly how it is, where she sits and what fits in the frame etc.

Yesterday, she started to say that it has changed. She has not changed anything on her end, yet more of her body and room is in the frame. She said the resolution seemed wider and taller. To be it sounds like the resolution has changed but she has touched nothing and no one else has on her end.

At first, I wasn't so sure because it wasn't a big difference, but then I have to admit I think I could see the difference too. But to her, it made things weird and annoying because she had it all set up to be exactly how she loves it and to feel comfortable etc.

I told her it looks fantastic from our (the viewers) end, so try not to worry about it, but as mentioned, she has everything how she needs it and this messed her mind and annoyed her. Which I can understand. Just sitting at my PC desk I like things a certain way, so I can understand you'd need/want everything a specific way for streaming.

Has anyone else noticed this? Has it changed? Is there a way to change it back to how she had it originally if it is something on the site?