Have you found yourself saying the "L" word to a customer?


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Ok, so I think I made a cardinal mistake. But I've made it before with this person/customer.With my customers, I'm usually very to the point, lets do business, chit chat a little and then go our separate ways. Cold for the most part to what guys will say and do for me. But this person and I have gotten close, it's not been rushed or anything, he's been a regular of mine for more than just a couple years. And I can't believe I've actually let him break through my "ice cold heart" lol Damn it!! It drives me crazy because for reasons I won't say, I should not have an attachment like this to another guy, esp a customer. Anyway, he has told me a couple times he loves me and I said it back. I'm not sure if I'm saying it to be nice or if I'm saying it cuz I do love him. I'm not saying I'm in love, because that's a totally different thing. But how I really feel is all a blur I have no idea if it's him, the money he spends, how he makes me feel...I'm just all out confused. I feel guilty