Help/ Xcams


Sr. Member
Hi girls, I tried to sign up for xmodels xcams and they told me they didn't open direct model accounts living in BR and so I should open a studio account.
When I returned to support they sent me the following message:


We do have some Brazilian studio's that perhaps still have an open model account.
You will need to verify on internet for this.

Kind regards,


The Xmodels Team

I don't know how to look for this studio. Does anyone know which studios open on xmodels xcams? I was always accepted on most sites and when the site does not accept them they speak right away.
This site was the only one that asked me for a studio registration.
Can someone help me? I have no idea which studio to look for on the internet ..


Sr. Member
As far as I know, that website doesn't accept individual models from South America, you MUST be registered through a studio. I have no clue what studios in BR work with them.