How do I live my life safely?


Sr. Member
I have some burning questions for American cam girls (because of the laws here, other countries answers will not be as helpful). I am a certified wellness counselor in my real life. That's a generic name for something more specific, but it hits my point.

I have the chance to work for others, or be self employed doing private sessions. I want to work in a way where I am either in a medical setting (corporate), or I work for myself. I do not want to work for a gym or small studio.

My issue is, I want to be 100% myself! I am a submissive whore who loves to cam. I love people, I love what I do, I love my body, I love to be sexually free and open. At the same time, I know that masturbating on camera and having my face out there puts my "regular life" at risk - someone could slander me, send my images to work, etc. It's a disgusting world where people do that, but it's true.

My question is: Is it possible to have my face out there on CB, on Twitter, have my shows unknowingly recorded by cam2cam websites, send pictures, create+sell content, etc, AND have a normal career one day where I am helping people like I feel my true calling is? I want to pursue that because it is my passion. However, I can't even afford the insurance I need for work or business cards etc to get my career launched.

[For the record: My family knows! They have enough of a clue to know what I am up to and I am not ashamed to tell them how I earn my money. The few friends I keep close know and are fine with it too. My immediate circle is very happy to see me help myself and they could care less as long as I am safe!]

I kind of have to do CB work to get my real life going and I need the CB work to be successful - when I wore a mask I did not get as much traffic or success as I do when I show my face. I know I do too much for free and need to cut back, but it seems no matter what, there is a risk to this, that my content WILL be stolen and reproduced, and that what I do now is forever to an extent.

Does anyone have experiences to share about being a normal person and a full blown cam girl at the same time? I just want to be myself and stop feeling scared about it. I hate lying, I hate pretending, and I just want to be (worry) free and one with my lifestyle.