How do i make friends?


Jr. Member
Hello everyone I been here a while and love this site. I been a cam model for about 3 years and its been making me a decent amount of money. But it makes me feel a bit lonely since I work at home and the only person I talk to on a regular basis is my bf and he doesnt like to go out very much. I been on sites to make friends in my area but I feel like they might think the type of work I do is odd or they may not understand it. Plus a very big issue of mine is that I am very socially awkward and have alot of social anxiety. I've had a rocky childhood and haven't had an actual friend since freshman year of high school so getting myself out there is difficult for me. I'm honestly just tired of always being at home with just my bf and not having anyone to talk to or go out with. So I guess my question is how do you guys make friends? Do you have a similar siuation as me? Please let me know thanks.


Just an idea here... but maybe you can try to find something that is related to some of your interests, hobbies, passions, etc? Like joining some team sport, a knitting club, going for some wine tasting, a food course. These are just rough suggestions, but maybe it would give you ideas? These could be online groups, but maybe in person too??

Its important to get out and socialize some, and maybe by forcing you a little bit to get in social context, it would help you feel more comfortable with it? Even if its just to go out for a coffee. Something that can also help, is that if you go to a coffee place, tea house, or restaurant, is that if you go regularly at the same place, you might the same people and become a regular yourself, and that can help to create some random contact over time.

I don't think there is a need to say what exactly your job is if you don't want to. You can if you feel like it later on, but you can always make something up?