How long should it take to make full time income?


Camming is not a guaranteed pot of gold! So much depends on the model, not just appearance, but personality and hustle. We have to be sales people, sell, sell, sell.......!
TBH, it was very weird, at first, to be selling myself! Never did that before I started camming.

Also camming at reg times, that the regs can than find you, now most of my income is from repeat clients........actually easier and friendlier.

Working on a cam site that suits ur style and personality is also a plus!
Not all cam sites are the same.......


Hero Member
I think you can know since first month if a site is good for you or not .
I had new sites where I earned 0 for days and closed them because they was a waste of time for me.
In time,I learned that if a site is good,you will make money since first day because is when you get the new tag and better traffic...