How much attention do you give "Wall of Shame" clients?


Full Member
I would like people to be able to vent and talk about their thoughts.

I just started on CMD and they have a crooked clients list. Most of the time I check to see if the client's name is on the list. Most of the time it is, but I am still polite. I quickly ask if they want a show.

Most of the time they want a free peek, chat about my biggest dildo/my bfs cock/when I got laid, haggle, or ask if they can talk to me to get to know me better. And no... I do not talk about my bf or chat with them...

My point is.... Do you give wall of shamers a chance? I have been in the shortest amount of time possible. It has NEVER worked in my favor. They are all losers Smiley :S I am contemplating blocking them without even giving them a chance at this point.

What are you thoughts?