Ifriends traffic loss


Sr. Member
I have been on ifriends now for a few months. For the first 6 weeks I was on the GPO making the 35%. I figured since I was doing well I would switch to the 50% payout. That decision was obviously wrong. My pays have decreased an average of over 50%. I get barely any traffic. Looking at my pay history, I can see the exact week I switched. I find it a huge coincidence. Just wondered if anyone else out there has ever experienced the same issue? But I'm ready to quit ifriends as some weeks I don't even make the minimum payout. I can sit for a hour now and only have a few guests drop in (yippee) any slower and tumbleweeds would be blowing across my screen! Any input? Thanks ladies


Sr. Member
I found it so slow there i've not been back in a while, when I did pop back I couldn't find the amount I'd already made, it just seems to have disappeared as if I'd never had a paid show... confuzzled!