I'm a Whore and Streamate is my Pimp


So as to start out, I first want to say that when I say I am a Whore... I mean it in the best sense of the word. Miriam Webster's Dictionary Defines a Whore as: a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse, usually for money; prostitute; harlot; strumpet. The reality is that we do engage in sex for money. Having a background is advertising, now in school for a liberal arts degree as well as having 47 years on this earth one thing i know is that sex sells. In my American Women's class we learned of the smart women in the sex industry as America was being forged. Back in the day... these women were smart business women, they owned the brothels as well as worked in them. I have the utmost respect for Women who know their strengths and use them, be it a chef, police woman, Mom, Teacher, Politician, Model, or Sex Worker. I am one of the rare Web Cam Models that will tell people what I do for a living, I do not care too much what others think. And oddly enough the lack of respect I get most is from Women, my very Sisters on this earth. I have to work for a big site, for now. And I hate it!!! My Spiritual guiding Friend tells me its because in my former life I ran a Brothel and was an awesome Madam! lol... In any case I look at the big sites with utter disgust. To me they are for now a necessary EVIL. They are PIMPS... and nothing more. The use us to make a shit ton of money. They take a huge percentage of what we earn, Men... these sites if you do the research are owned by men. Now I realize they have to advertise... they have to collect payment... they have to man the sites... blah blah blah... they do so much for us... Bullshit I say... How many of us own Mansions, Yachts and sip Champagne like its water? Maybe the select few that work for their studios ... you know the ones your traffic is being diverted too. But for us average every day models working to pay our bills and put food on the tables... well we are the draw for their sites. Do not for a minute think it is the Porn Stars, for we all know the tide is turning and they want the "Real" woman the girl next-door and that Gonzo is becoming the best seller. In my Dreams... my day and night dreams,, I dream of a site owned my Cam Models, Run by Cam Models and Promoted by Cam Models. not on the backs of skype where you get a shit ton of requests for no pay... but like the big sites we sit on meeting new customers. A site that you the average cam model would own stock in the company... Ah the Dreams. But until then I must suck it up..... and have my PIMP... but one day one day I will have the money, and the Models to back the dream