Onlyfans Jessica Weaver,Jlove,Etc


Jessica Weaver is a blonde, big btitty, motivation speaker, fitness model, life coach ,etc.
She frequently has sales for her only fans where you can get monthly access for $5-8 dollars. Regular price is $18.00 monthly.
The catch is that she then charges $25-50.00 for full nude pics via PPV in your direct messages. All her "free" content on her only fans are hand bra shots with very little showing. She rarely if at all answers any private messages or engages with her fans. Won't like any messages or respond to comments on her threads. I would not recommend to anyone unless they want to blow through hundreds of dollars a month looking at her nude.

Recently came back as of November 2021. Jessica appears to be a lot more active posting almost daily. She has lowered the price on her photos from $25-30 to now $10-15 per image. Also she's dropped the price on her videos too from $15-18.00 for 30 sec-1 min clips. She is also answering a lot more DMs and messages. A big improvement from earlier before.

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