KIK, Snapchat, WhatsApp ?


After being gone 3 years I feel brand new again lol. So many new ways of contact. I came across a website that allows you to add your Kik, Snapchat, WhatsApp for membership sales. Can someone explain the difference between these 3 apps?
Another question I had is yahoo messenger still used by customers to contact us and perform on? I know Skype seems to be the main one. Any other new messengers I should be aware of? It use to be Yahoo messenger and ICQ lol that was 2002 back in the day.


Yahoo messenger is not used anymore. If there's anything other than skype..idk
Kik is an anonymous chatting app, Snapchat is mostly for photos/videos and Whatsapp is not recommended because it used an actual phone number so they can call you or whatever too so not safe.