Laundry day


Sr. Member
So ny thing is squirting my regulars love it and tip to show it problem is I'm really peeing so I soak ny blanket go through towels like crazy n have to clean my matress basically every night I can't stop cuz it is my money maker but when I do it in conjunction with dildo pee goes in vag n eventually leads to bv now I keep meds for it anyway because I have it chronically but it went from every three months to every three weeks wat should I do I thought bout putting water in me via syringe but that'll lead to yeast infection


Sr. Member
pee while masturbating to simulate squirt,it is not good for your health and causes infections, try using water with bicarbonate of sodium, sodium bicarbonate regulates your vaginal flora, but you must switch between the use of baking soda and use of vinegar to avoid decompensation of your natural flora. bicarbonate of sodium is alkaline and then you need to compensate with the vinegar acid. Use natural cider vinegar and not wine vinegar.