Meeting in Person


I have been asked to meet in person more and more lately. Some ask for sex for money, others want to make videos with me and even doing groups. Both on cam sites and on my porn hub I have been asked. Just wondering if anyone has done meetups and what the experience was like?

Second Clients that say they Love you? What Do You Do?


Hero Member
This happened to me a lot at the beginning, I don't know why now no one asks me that when it comes to camshows, but in PH I receive a lot of messages from those, I just tell them to keep watching my videos and if they would like a custom video they can make their orders on the page. Most who ask for that only do it to fantasize, and a little free chat, they feel like the conquerors. There are others who are fake sugar daddy, or maybe some pervert. Other married people who imagine a real escape to their reality, which is still a fantasy, and many others who only seek free sex. Once I met a client for dinner, nothing happened beyond that, but I lost the client, he never paid me shows again.