Methods of Birth Control


Jr. Member
I'm wondering what everyone's experiences are with all different kinds of birth control. I have yet to find anything my body agrees with so I just stick to condoms, but my BF has a creampie fetish and I would like to help him indulge into it more than we have.

The Pill - I constantly forget to take my pills when I'm on this form of birth control and end up spotting almost all month due to this. I also know a couple people who have gotten pregnant on the pill, they take theirs everyday at the same time religiously, yet it still happened.

The Patch - My friend was on the patch and said that she constantly had uncontrollable mood swings and would feel horny all the time but too exhausted to have sex or pleasure herself.

The Shot - I know a few people who have been on it, they praised it while being on this birth control, but when coming off of it was a nightmare for them. They were happy about rarely getting their period, but when they came off the shot they said that they wouldn't stop bleeding. My one friend has been bleeding for almost a year now, with only a day or two at a time of dryness. My other friend has been bleeding for months with no sign of it stopping. That scares the hell out of me!

IUD - I looked into this, it's super expensive and invasive to put in. I've heard of people getting constant infections and being able to feel it. I don't think I'm willing to pay $500 for something that I may have to take out because I'm so sensitive in my reproductive area.

Nuva Ring - They advertise that you or your partner can't feel it. But I've been told that you can until you get used to it and that your partner can feel it if they don't have a smaller than average penis. The same person told me that it can fall out and that she has a hard time putting it in as well. It just doesn't sound pleasant at all.

Spermicidal Strips - I tried these, I thought my body was going through some weird change because every week before my period I wound up with BV. I then realized that every time I used them tended to be around a week before my period, I stopped using them and then the pre-menses BV stopped happening. I guess I'm too sensitive for them, it's too bad because they really worked.

Does anyone have any other experiences, good or bad, with the methods of birth control I've mentioned? Does anyone use any other type of birth control, or has used any other type of birth control that I haven't mentioned and would like to share their negative or positive experiences with them? I want to be able to give my boyfriend what he desires sexually, but nothing seems to work for me/us.
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Every ones bodies responds differently to each Birth Control. You can not go based on what your friends state. I always had heavy bleeding on my period for the first three days and I was on the shot for five years. I took a three year break from it and during those three years it took 3 months to start my period again and when it started it did as it did before I got on the shot. Heavy bleeding for three days and my period started when It wanted to 28 days later or 33. Never the same time. But it did that before. Now I am back on the shot and love it just as I did before. You also need to look at other things too. If you are young with no kids then you need to think about if you want them later. Some birth control you don't want to use because it will make that hard to happen later. If your a smoker you may become allergic to things as years pass. Test them and find your best fit. You know your body.