Motivation tips and tricks


Sr. Member
Besides the money side of the job what motivates you to actually fire up the camera and get on your grind??

I actually think that I would be on more if it was me by myself but I've gotta keep the hubby's mood in mind too Smiley ;).

Do you ladies/gents have a routine? Maybe a ritual that you do that just gets you in the mood? Jam out to music... get yourself sexually stimulated maybe?


Sr. Member
It does not take much for me to get motivation going to get on. I love flurting and being sexy. I have always had to watch myself when I flirt in real life because I have a habit of flirting with someone and 90% of the time it leads to sex. Not good when you are married right. When I work I can flirt all I want get them off and me and there is no hands on so no one get's hurt. + I get paid for it. what could be better motivation