Need a Cam Girls Opinion


Full Member
I've been a regular in an MFC Models room for the past 14 months. I am not a big tipper but she gives me lots of attention when I am in the room. She also has lots of private conversations with me over private chat where she shares private information with me that she doesn't share with other members (Example: She told me in detail about her previous relationships and other things in her personal life, where she lives etc...).
She charges for her snapchat but she gave me her snapchat for free. She told me that she wants a way to keep in contact with me when she is not online. She regularly looks at my snaps and comments on what I am doing. She teases me in her room that she is stalking me on snapchat. She also gets in contact with me when I am not in the room for a few days to check in on me.
I asked her one day if she wanted to skype and she skyped with me for free (did not charge me). We talked for over an hour. We did nothing sexual, we just talked. Our relationship has always been flirtatious but we never do anything naughty. I enjoyed talking with her and have paid for us to talk over skype a few times. I only pay for 15 minutes but we sometimes talk for close to 3 hours. She goes way over my paid time limit and does not charge me. I am the one that always ends the conversation. She even jokes that I am the only guy she gives extremely long skype shows to. When we skype, she is always nervous the first few minutes. She told me that she is nervous that I might not like her.
She tells me that I am funny, good looking and that any girl would be lucky to have me. She lives in England and has told me that she would love to show me around her country if I ever come to visit.

She always answers my snapchat messages except when I try to schedule a time to skype. I would love to get a camgirls feedback on what might be going through my friends head. Do you think she is nervous to skype with me? Do you think she feels guilty for taking my money for just talking to me? Does she view me as just a work friend in her chatroom and doesn't want to hang out with me outside of work? I am confused why a camgirl would not want to take my money to talk with me over skype. Any advice on how I should approach dealing with her in the future? I enjoy skyping with her and want her to feel comfortable around me.


This girl sounds like she's pretty good at her job. Can you imagine if she said you were neither handsome nor funny? No, she wouldn't say that. Inre Skype, she may see it as a long range investment; 'free' time there, now, keeps you tipping elsewhere for the foreseeable future.