No Dogs Allowed and other sundry Streamate stupidity...


Full Member
Ladies & gents, as most of you know I work primarily through (not with, because fuck...I've never been treated like an employee) Streamate. I love that I get paid on Fridays through Payoneer (once I make min.) and at one point, I loved the legitimate traffic that the site was bringing in.

For the past month, My traffic has been next to nothing - forcing Me to go independent. I prefer this, but it is not without its challenges. But I digress; what I really wanted to share with you all are a couple incidents that I think are grossly inappropriately handled by the site - but I have no where else to vent about it, for fear of fiscal & reputation repercussions.

1. The @streamate account on Twitter is affiliated, if not run by an employee, but makes it clear that it doesn't function as support. Last week a tweet was put up that said Any models that attempted to sell content in ANY way through their shows, would suffer a loss of their account. I call bullshit. Why? Because in My email inbox, there sits an email from Streamate, responding to Me re: selling clips etc. through My show. See below:

Here are the rules for selling videos on the site.

Bottom line, these two rules MUST be followed:
1. No exchange of personal information (no private emails, no #s, no
2. Do not take the member off site

So, if you are selling pics and sending them through our mail system or
giving out direct download links for videos, that is okay. However if
either of the above rules are broken, a suspension/termination and forfeiture of earnings may occur.
Streamate Performer Support
[email protected]

There are some models who try to break these "clear" rules and I'm sure, they deserve reprimand...but c'mon - what's with the mixed signals, Streamate? Someone asked My question verbatim via Twitter and was told point blank, no selling whatsoever, or get banned. Um, inconsistent much?

2. @KristinKavallari posted on Twitter today that she was banned because her dog was in the background. The @streamate account said that she was warned before. Were it that simple, I'd shut My fat arse and go about My business, but it isn't. Streamate supposedly monitors all broadcasts and interaction on their platform. If someone decides to fuck their dog on cam, they are supposed to know about it and be able to stop it immediately. But come on - some of you have pets and live in small quarters, where getting your pet out of the shot isn't an option. So if I had an ant farm on My visible desk, would I get shut down too?
What the actual fuck.

It saddens and upsets Me when rules are full of holes, not enforced and end up costing honest, hard-working girls their means of living. I dunno, y'all. This has Me very upset and disenchanted with the Big Box sites that seem to do nothing but rape our earnings & content, sans lube.

Thoughts? Opinions?