questions about manycam


Jr. Member
i looked around some and didnt see any info for my question but i want to use ManyCam mainly for being able to do a water mark, i am currently testing out the free version and i really like it but my mic cuts in and out a little, sooo my question is (and i also submited a question to support on ManyCam but who knows if they know what i want ya know) If i would upgrade to the PRO verison, would that improve my mic? im using windows 8 and a logitech 310 thanks for any advice!


Jr. Member
i have no idea if the mic will work better, mine works ok anyway. since the mic can be split nyway without any software i would suggest that you add the mic itself as a source, and not ManyCam.

you can try a "free" pro version also, i'll post the link right away.