Questions for fellow previously poor camgirls (&camboys).


Jr. Member
Hello everyone.

After much hard work and determination, I'm finally doing well enough that all my needs are met. I'd like to start a discussion about a problem I have encountered, as I'm sure there's many other people in this same position that would benefit from this.

I'm talking specifically about the poverty mindset. When I type this, I mean a few different things by it. As such, I'll provide a few examples.

Buying cheap instead of buying quality items that are made to last. A specific example would be buying a cheap $10 pair of shoes instead of some better, $100 shoes made to last for much longer.
Making gambles on your health, like eating instant ramen noodles every day instead of buying fresh fruits and vegetables that are good for you and your long term health.
Asking yourself if you can just wait on a much needed purchase, even though you know you have the cash for it.
Holding onto every single penny when you should be investing, "just in case".

This is mainly about stupid decisions that are only smart when you are poor and do not have disposable income. I'd like to know:

1. How have you have gotten over these metal barriers?
2. How has it effected you emotionally?
3. Does this form of thinking ever go away? If not, what are some proactive measure we can take to help?

Looking forward to the responses!
Eee i'm terrible with this, I've always had to work hard for anything I've wanted and in my younger days amounted a lot of debt when I had my first home which caused me no end of stress.

I've never been a very money motivated person, I'm happy as long as I can pay my bills and afford treats for myself. If I worry about anything nowadays it's about saving extra cash for luxuries. Example. .. I'm taking driving lessons at the moment and need to save for a car which is proving difficult. But i've already got 2 holidays booked this year and planning on another.

I only have myself to think about now, no dependents or anything so I am making up for my lack of adventure in my younger days and try not to worry about finances anymore.
I grew up not knowing if we were going to eat on any given day. I know the feeling. because of it I am very cautious to how i spend my money. Things are great now. my hubby has a good job and we rely mainly on his income but I can't get out of the mind set that we can't just blow money on anything. I buy off brands/store brands regularly. I do try to purchase healthy options when it comes to food. I try to know which places have the better prices so I wont spend way to much on anything. I hesitate to buy myself clothes or anything. my hubby has pretty much made me buy stuff that I wanted because I can talk myself out of buying anything for me.
My priority is my kids. Do they have what they need can i occasional treat them to something they want. No they are not wearing name brands but they are better off than I ever was and I am trying to teach them to spend money wisely. I am terrified that my kids would have to grow up the way I did and that keeps me careful. I know we have money for extras but I can rarely convince myself it is worth the risk.
We are lucky when it comes to halt. hubby's job has really great insurance for very little. it would actually be free but i told him for 30$ we could have the better insurance and we minus well do it. I know that 30$ a month is a lot better than a few thousand later. All preventative care is covered by his insurance.
I still hope that one day I wont fret over every dollar. I probably will though. I am dealing with it big time right now. we NEED a new car and we can probably afford it but I am worried about everything that can go wrong.