Regarding possibility cam studio that over exploiting their models


Hello everyone

i am new here, and actually i am here just for this very matter
first i am just casual cam-sites visitor, not a cam-model myself

its just like since last month, there is particular model that caught my attention, not only because she is pretty, but i think is she also quite different that most model
and the most important thing is that because the way she doing the show is just "odd"

what odd is that, this model, doing everything she can, like play with dildo, anal, cum/squirting, even no-one tipping her. So basically giving free-show.
well this is so obvious, what for tipping the model. if the model giving free show, right ?
and she doing same thing everyday.

based cam-site tracker, it seems she starting camming like 3months+ ago, but the visitor not really growing that much. And she like didnt learn anything to improve her cam-show.

What really make me sad, despite she doing all she can, all she make per-day (from camming on multiple-sites) is around below 2000tokens accumulated for 6ghours of camming.
which mean, even IF she getting 40%, she only getting $80 that IF she get 2000token and 40%.... for the days she getting below 1000token and 30%, she making around $30 or even less
probably making $1000/month is big in eastern europe? i dont know, but i feel its way to low. She should can making like 5000token/6hours.

i fell really bad for her, i tried to talk to her, by giving few quick advice
this help abit, so she now make in private when doing squirt, even its only on CB, while she let other sites open

but as i feel things still not-right, and i learn that she work with studio, i tried talk to her again and then i said something like " if ur studio telling you to squirt for free, u should think again about your studio"
which obviously that studio-operator didnt like it and banned me (that when i am sure that studio-operator that handle the chat)

at first i did not even know anything about cam-studios, but after i look around on internet, i learn more about camming world

But what really odd to me :
Why this cam-studio is so stupid, that all they can do just exploiting the models ?
i mean every cam-studio goal is making money right? whats the point exploiting the models if they not making more money anyway ?
The should already know that "play/tease" is what make more money, not the "main-show", while the "main-show" should be the reward for goal/after get paid, but they showing it for FREE.
And also i am not sure why those models not quiting? maybe the studio put their income on hold ? or threat them ?

I also find this studio have suspicious activity, like in random day, there is like a viewer, just give big-tips (like 10x 100tokens) without asking anything, then after a while they went away
even i know there are possibility that generous person just come bay and just tips
but seeing it already happens for few times plus based what i read that lots cam-studio have relation with mafia, and using it as money laundering,
make me thinking are that studio just using the model to covering their activity ?

Anyway i just care about the model, even i dont know those model, but i feel really sad for them, they should not only make way more money, they shouldnt get exploited that way.

I know probably there nothing we can do about it, and i dont want the model get into trouble either

But I am hoping maybe someone in here have advice / opinion , or something that can help that model to have better life, more like better work-situation for her.
probably some models in here have similar past experience, and figure out how to go out from those .

i dont share the model username, because i dont want to cause her any trouble, but incase someone in here need the username for like checking out, please pm me.

Anyway thank you for your time reading this.


Hi. Instead of giving this model unsolicited advice while she's trying to work, if you truly want to help her, you should tip her. You're putting effort into doing the math to figure out how much money she makes in six hours, but what I haven't seen anywhere in your post is you telling us that you tip her.