Sex Toys That Don't Exist


Jr. Member
SO, they make all kinds of masturbation aids for men in the shape of women's body parts, or women's body parts mashed together in some kind of Lovecraftian hole-creature. And they make vibrating dick-shapes for women - but WHERE oh where are the man-hand shaped vibrators? Maybe this is too "zombie" for some ladies, but I am just now LOVING the idea of a hand with two or three fingers extended and vibration in the palm or fingers.

I also have had a desire for spherical vibes rolling around in my head. Do you have any genius ideas for sex toys that don't exist yet? Should we all get together and get some patents on these?


Jr. Member
I think Ann Summers have already done the hand thing years ago, I remember playing with it at one of the parties (no not in that way lol) It was quite creepy watching it wriggle and vibrate across the floor lol