Skype, Creating Custom Name For Customers


Skype makes me nervous. I don't understand it. It's a huge mystery to me.

Please confirm that the name I give my customers is NOT actually seen by them. When I do a name change the Skype reply says the information HAS been shared with them.


Well, I am only 99% sure they do NOT see this.
I think they also rename US.
Have you ever seen yourself renamed? Me not.
You see:
Joy Lovewell has shared contact detailes with SP alex (etc..)

He sees in the different way

Alex Anyone has shared contact details with As he named You

If they saw how I name them - I would not have 80% of my customers...
Skype can NOT be that stupid.
I never have seen another name instead of mine
On MSN (when it was a thing) partners never saw these name changes
My BF renamed me (can not be a DominaXY on his list) and not visible on my side.

In some days I maybe do a test if you would like.