
Staff member
Not only is it impossible to figure out how to work this Gem of a website but they also want to take 70% of my money. Somebody whose name I won't mention recommended that this is a good starter site. I'm like are you kidding me? first off whoever designed this website has to be on crack because. There are basic functionalities that are supposed to work that don't even work. Even a programmer fresh out of college wouldn't make those mistakes. I'm using their so-called top new latest and greatest stream channel and it still sucks dick. All the other type of steam categories that I tried to use show nothing but my face up close. It's horrible. And to add insult to injury they still want to take 70% of my money.

Now just to give you a little background, I've been in the sex industry in one way or another for at least 20 years. and I've never seen it as exploitive as it has been over the last 5 years. Maybe it's all the sex trafficking. Idk but, In my opinion, you guys are expected to do way too much or too little. even the peep shows back in the day were set up by the people that own them. I worked at strip clubs, massage parlors, escort agencies and dungeons. everything was set up for me.The only thing I had to do was show up. Yeah i got to cut taken out of whatever i made. However, i wasn't expected to build the strip club, make the drinks, do all the advertising, figure out all the lighting and design inside the club, and how to do a website for it. And all this so you can stick dildos up your cooch for what amounts to pennies on the dollar. I mean this is ridiculous. If they are gonna take 70 percent, the least they could do is provide a docking 1800 number and show me how to use the damn website.


Staff member
Admittedly, I have a love/hate relationship w SM. It's my prime camming site, despite their take backs,I make decent and steady money on SM.
SM can be tough at times, they eat all my internet oomph! I can't split screen using SM.
Agreed it's a challenge for a new cam girl......but the time invested is worth it!
Free nudity is a challenge, as it is on all sites....I hate it, but some models believe it helps them...