Streamate TopSpot Gold Shows?


Jr. Member
So I've streamed with streamate twice, and I've enjoyed it! I logged into my account today and it says I can do TopSpot Gold Shows now, but i'm not quite sure I understand it.

From what I've seen, it seems that you set a minimum amount of gold and a time frame for that. If you reach your goal, you preform your show. If you don't reach your goal, the "producer" will still pay you the difference. Is this correct?
Is below the waist nudity allowed in these shows? What type of show do you preform for this? A cum show?

Sorry for not understanding everything, thanks for reading!
Kinda... in regular gold shows you set the time/amount etc but in top spot shows the producer will offer you a show with a preset time/amount and you can accept if you would like... the only thing you can alter is the description of the show (the preset description will be whatever your last gold show was). The amount the producers offer should be close to what you make in a regular gold show, at least that was always my experience.

I haven’t streamed much recently but it’s been a long while since I’ve been offered a top spot show. I honestly didn’t even realize they were still doing them. But back when they were doing them regularly I accepted every one I was offered, they were good money makers for me.