Telling family about camming?


Staff member
Just curious if anyone else has a family that would be highly opposed to this line of work, and if they are; how you told them and what happened as a result?


Jr. Member
The only family that really knows and understands are my brothers. My baby brother passed away earlier this year. I knw he didn't particularly like it, but we often talked about where I wanted to go with it, books and such like that and he was cool. My older brother is pretty much the same way. After all these years, he's used to it now.

I'm not opposed to my other family knowing, I don't tell them because I don't tell them anything, LoL. They are very negative people and I believe in huarding your dreams, protecting them like a newborn baby. So I don't let them around my thoughts too often. My grandfather did help me a few years ago with my sex toy business, so he knows I work in adult related industries.