THE clips4sale guide


Sr. Member
And, so... I reach the end of these posts, and in hundreds of other threads on the topic of 'the machine' which is , I got it all - but no, that would be arrogant to say.

What I will say is that I've spent 6 months working hard on a guide for clips4sale that gives you what you are looking for. It is an ebook, you can have as real book too if you like, and I've been though all the forum threads I can find , interviewed models, studio owners, spoken to the customers while on cam, become proof of concept with my own c4s store, and come up with a decent product. It's predominately how to make $1000 a month using c4s. Fine. But the guide really is about the 'how to' stuff.

Lots of simple text explanations, reasons why this works , this doesnt work and things like... and when some of the stuff get too techy, I've recorded a vid to walk you through the process.

Dummies don't produce a 'clips4sale' , but if they did, this would be it.

I know , i know and i know that countless others have said that they are going to produce a guide but they either got distracted or whatever reason idk..... So i bought a few on amazon for like 99c , which were all i could find , save your cash - these guides (this sounds unprofessional) are just crap, repeats of threads, repeats of the categories ( one of the 9 page guides spend 5 just listing the categories lol ).....

I've created a know nothing about c4s to making over $1000 month one using a proven strategy built up of the forum threads, my own work, after got it wrong first, second time around and now I'm a place where I can proudly give a definite guide that is easy, simple and fun to read. The content, some of it, omg - when i read it , i just think, if only id known this about behavioural psychology 5 years ago.. anyway...

Launching tomorrow , anyone wanna run through the beta test? (web dev is always a beta test)

ooh and any questions - just ask! and thanks for having me!!!