What is a model ban you feel bad about?


Full Member
As a viewer, if you have ever been banned by a model, are there any that you feel really bad about and cannot forget? Over the few years I have been on cam sites, I have easily visited more than 1000 models, and I have six bans. I am running a little under one percent on my ban rate. Almost all of those I do not feel bad about.

One was a girl who thought I had forgotten about her, so she banned me and then later unbanned me. Not sure that even counts as a real ban....

One ban was from a girl who felt betrayed by me because she found me in another model's room and set me up by pretending to be a viewer and sent me PMs about the model. That was totally unfair. I had no agreement with the model who banned me to be exclusive with her and she and I were not even very sexual with each other.

Two bans were from girls who were just borderline psychotic. They each lasted less than two weeks on the site, and the bans were just random numbers.

One ban was from a model who had scammed another model - who was a new broadcaster in her first two weeks - by convincing her to be her moderator, while sitting there fully naked on camera doing her own show. When I explained to the new model that her "moderator" was her competitor, the new model took mod privileges away and the scammer banned me from her room. That's a badge of honor, not a ban. :)

The one I feel really bad about was a model who I am 90% sure had some disabilities. I am very tuned in to a model's physical behavior when she communicates. If she is a foreign model, I listen to how she makes sounds and how she pronounces words, trying to infer things about her that might help me to communicate better with her. After a few days with the model in question, I realized that she is probably partly deaf. She also had some physical behaviors that were a bit autistic. Maybe she was just barely on the spectrum, but she had repetitive and ritualistic hand gestures that were quite out of the ordinary (and which were also extremely cute!). At first, I actually had no clue that she might be deaf, but the day she banned me I had asked her a series of questions about reading a few sentences for me. I asked this totally unaware that she might be unable to read without giving away her disability. By the end of the questions, it all came together for me that she was likely deaf and unable to form whole spoken sentences in any language, including her own, without clear verbal clues that she was unable to pronounce words clearly. I think she was incredibly stressed out by being asked to read anything, and it was just easier for her to ban me than to deal with it.

What makes me feel really bad about this is that I would have completely accepted her as she is. I actually found her gestures and behavior overall adorable. I would have enjoyed interacting with her, awkward imperfections just as they were. But I have no chance to tell her that now. Maybe if I had been with her longer she would have felt safer making such a disclosure. Maybe not. But I figured it out way too quickly for the shallow relationship that we had, and now I am banned.


This is streamate. One time I got banned from a models room because I warned her about having her dogs on on cam. I would see her get all the time with them hanging out. Streamate has a very strict no animals on cam rule. I know models who got hit with a suspension because their animals bolted on stream. I thought I would be nice and let her know.

She told me I don't know what I'm talking about because she's been at this for 7 years and I'm jealous. I fucking tipped her before warning her. ?

Anywho I mind my own business now. Not my fault if they can't read the rules. Fuck being nice.