What is your per-minute rates?


I never know what the best per-minute rates to charge are . I have tried 99 cents per-minute and 5 or 6.99 a minute and everything in between. I don't make money using any of them. How do you know how to set your per-minute rate? It is so frustrating sitting there for two or three hours straight at any per-minute charge and still not get anything. I have gotten a few at 99 cents but lets face it that doesn't get any income, especially if only one is in private with you. I get a lot of bitching about my rates no matter what they are set at, of course this is by those that will never go private anyway. Should I just give up after two years of trying? The most I have made was $1500 for the entire year and that was my first year. Every year after it has dropped.
Before everyone starts saying do more hours and content, I have already posted about that, my time and resources are very limited. I utilize my time to the best of my abilities to be on cam.