What To Do On Slow days?


So, I’ve been Camming for 4 months now. 5 months will be Feb 9th.

Some times , I have very slow days, silent rooms , slow traffic.

Some guys come in my room and say “you look bored”

Guys enter and leave my room all day. On slow days.

And I want to know what to do on slow days , so I will not look bored, mean or sad bc im not making money 💰.

How do I keep guys interested?

Edit ( I love my website and I have had very good money making days. All cam girls , including vets, have slow days. I just needed advice. Instead of saying cam is not for me, I haven’t even tried for a year yet. )


Jr. Member
hi babe.. how are you? i think you said in a previous post that you work on F4F. Honestly, it is not the best platform to work on. I work on there and its just shit. If you been camming for 5 months and not doing well i would suggest to try another platform. I am working on another platform now and OMG the difference in customers tips and the way they treat me is very different.
best of luck to you