When a Sexual Predator or Violent Offender Confesses to you


Full Member
I have had two incidents in which a child molestor confessed to me, and another guy described in gruesome detail about raping his girlfriend. Another guy was a violent offender. What if you are exposed to Child Pornography?

What do we do as camgirls?
If you are in the US, or if the client is in the US, you can report it.

Every girl has the right to hang up on the creep, but if you want to report it, here are somethings to do:

1. Keep calm as you can. Keep a poker face on. I have prodded each of the four men mentioned above for details. I struggled to keep calm and keep thinking.
2. If you have an add on skype recorder, click it ON. Try and discreetly record with your cell phone if nothing else
2a. take screen shots
3. I know every girl can't do this, but I asked for details with a nonjudgemental posture. I am a lisenced therapist IRL, so I can actually pull it off to a degree.
4. IMMEDIATELY call 1-800-The-Lost if in the US, if out of the US (and you think the client is in the US) go to this link: http://www.missingkids.com/Report
5. If it was on NF, get the members name and time of call. report to Flirt Help as well. (They suck and got back to me DAYS later)
6. Other independent sites: If it is a US bases site, they are obligated to help if reported.
---Most will.
---If the site operates out side of the US they are under no obligation to do anything. I was on a euroean site and the owner pulled up chat and saw where a guy confessed to raping a girl and would do nothing. Sad
7. ICAC will forward the complaint to the local autorities.
8. YOU CAN REMAIN ANONYMOUS. IN each instance, I gave my name and everything i could.

IF YOU ARE EXPOSED TO CHILD PORN, especially if you are in the US, it is a felony to have it anywhere. If you were exposed, call that number above. Tell them what happened. They have a special team that will wipe it off your devices. And it is documented what happened, and that your reported it.

It is a crappy subject but it happens sooner or later to us.