I do not like using anything to inside my vag or my butt. Today I got taken to private with a completely abusive asshole even after it said dominant in my topic. He wanted to dominate and demanded I stick a toy in my ... I said I dont do that and I got a 1 star rating. I'm on SM. I reported him for abuse. Then another asshole comes in to try the same bullshit in private and I had TO CANCEL THE SHOW on him and block his ass. What's with all the jerks on SM. I wrote no anal or vaginal in my profile just now. I HATE vanilla guys especially American ones. No offense to the American ladies here, but your men are disrespectful and rude. I'm looking to establish a genuine experience with them and all they want to do is talk trash, jack off in 3 minutes and leave. How can I attract a better class of clientele? I love fetishes and the dom look and I love to striptease. I heard xmodelsx is better with more European guys. Your thoughts, please