A bit out of it and asking for a bit of advice


Jr. Member
Well, I have cammed a few times before but those times I had an HD camera and I was slightly smaller. Right now, I'm close to getting a gym membership(I've fallen off the track and can't stick to bodyweight exercises) but I'm wondering if I should crowdfund and sell videos to get an HD cam? I feel like I'd definitely do better with it and honestly, I oddly feel more nervous about my body more than I did at 19 and I feel like the people in the room can sense it(this may also just be my anxiety creeping in but yeah). I'll still work on NiteFlirt (since I love working for them anyway) but I'm just wondering if this is a good move?
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Staff member
I don't know much about the funding sites but I would just suggest using the cam u got for a night then buying an hd with that... u can get a basic hd Logitech for like $50 and u can work up from that... I know how u feel about body issues... I been camming for about 2 yrs now and I have put on weight from being lazy... shit my job is in my bed now . but I have a system now everyday that I work I do a cardio workout before I start getting ready.. that helps me to stay in shape, it boosts my confidence and it dramatically increases my energy levels... Best of luck honey... welcome back!!


Staff member
Do you have a webcam right now to work with that is not built-in to you laptop, It really boils down to have an external webcam and good lighting. I get your self conscience about your body I was too when I went on meds to treat my bipolar disorder the weight piled on and I didn't notice it til people started making inappropriate comments about it.

No I have not joined a gym, I have always said I would set up a home gym and get myself some beach body products and workout with them but I haven't foudn the motivation to do it.

You need to focus on working with what you have now and make that money everything else is secondary. something that took me a while to figure out.