Barely Hairy.


Haha, I thought that was funny, but I'll admit, I'm a hairly lady. Especially in my yani region. Usually I don't shave, well. As the months get colder I shave less and less. I also find that the many methods that I've tried and have choosen, I know hwat I like but y body really doesn't like any of it. I get razor bumps like CUH-RAZY! I didn't start shaving my punani until I was about 20, and I decided that I would be it on a similar but less strick, schedule as my legs. During the summer I shave more often than I do in the winter. However no matter what I try andeven when I still get razor bumps that aer disgusting. They don't leave much of a scar, but ti's very umcomfortable and unattractive, especially when they're fresh. I don't knwo how to minimalize or prevent them perfectly so I'm asking for advice.

I've tried rinsing with cold water and it only takes care of the initial afterburn, and I've tried moisturizing immediately afterwards but again same result; I haven't tried that much of anything but I tried going with the advice that seemed most practical for me based on what my body reacts to. I've seen some thing that said shavewith cold water using a razor and no soap or anything to prevent razor bumps...didn't register as well thought out advice so I didn't use it.

Does anyone have any way that really helps minimalize and prevent bumps. Or at least helps prevent any scarring? I could really use it.
Deodorant. Apply before or after you shave.

For me it looks like I'm freshly waxed when I do this, even though I've never waxed any of my hair in my entire life.