Calming and being deaf


Sr. Member
Omg how do I change the title, haha bad autocorrect.
Hey everyone!

I'd love to join the model industry since I joined/tried a session with my friend.
On that shoot I noticed she talk a lot to connect with customers.

The problem is I'm hard of hearing and learned English after I became deaf, so I can only speak in Dutch.

I'm scared typing only will have a bad influence and look unprofessional.

Does anyone have any advice for me?



Sr. Member
There are so many cammers out here who dont talk or cant speak the language of the site its not even funny, you will fit in on any cam site just fine. There are Dutch clients out there that you can speak to and for the rest just let them know your English isnt that good so youre not comfortable speaking yet or you dont know the lang at all and your using a translator.
You'll be fine,the biggest issues in camming will 90% of the time be in your own mind and this is one of those times.