Desperate attempts to try and win us over


Sr. Member
So this may be funny to some and pathetic to others....

Had a new person come into my room yesterday. Started off nice with the standard hello ( as we all know we don't always get that). He was quiet for a few minutes, so I continued to enjoy the other people who were there.

His next comments came in tip notes starting the with the classic: "you get me so hard bb" Followed by the common question in my pm, are you single? I responded by saying "I'm involved", which he replied "lucky man". So I thought cool, he understands.

Of course how silly of me to think that he would stop there. I mean really?

The next comment was the phone number, which I wasn't even paying attention and of course not going to call him or anyone ever, so I ignored it.

This one really made me laugh when he said : "I am head of cyber security for the DOC, I make a six figure income and my credit score is 700 I can take care of you." I said really? Yes ma'am was his response {Does anyone think DOC is Department of Corrections?} that was my first thought.

I followed asking: "Can you take care of all the illegal recording that goes on with cam models?" No reply from him of course.

The last thing he said was I think your fun and would like to get to know you, we owe it to ourselves to do this. OMG!!

Just had to share this because not only is it comical and yes pathetic, but on the flip side it shows that these guys don't listen and they have no interest in what we have to say most of the time (not saying it's all of them, there are some genuine and respectful people), its the old additive that they think they are better than the person you have a relationship with and they will try anything to make them yours.