Me personally i hate men more than anything else on the planet Earth,. and some of u would ask why?! Yeah why? Because i had bad experience with them? Because, i dated to many men in my past, or maybe few of them tried to rape me?
Well the answer to all of this questions is yes
That's why i get mad very quickly whenever i get demands/orders from non tippers (beggers, freeloaders, stupid pricks) Not only mad - i get very furious but trying to control it,. cause i don't deserve to be treated like that. I am not gonna do all the nasty stuff ur wifes won't do not even on cam!
Well the answer to all of this questions is yes
That's why i get mad very quickly whenever i get demands/orders from non tippers (beggers, freeloaders, stupid pricks) Not only mad - i get very furious but trying to control it,. cause i don't deserve to be treated like that. I am not gonna do all the nasty stuff ur wifes won't do not even on cam!