Facial recognition fears


Sr. Member
I'm worried about how facial recognition will change our profession. I don't cam that often, but there have been one or two occasions where I have shown my face on now deleted accounts. What's the change 10 years down the line somebody will discover me? Especially if I try to minimize my presence? I know that there are lots of crawlers online these days.


Sr. Member
Life is too short to live in fear, if this is seriously what worries and concerns you,do some thing else. Of course someone will see, if you have content uploaded of course in 10 yrs someone will be watching. Kimmie Ks 15 year old sex tape is still being downloaded. If you tell someone what you do and you have a falling out there is a chance they can send old links to your husband,to your kids,to your boss, to the person who bags your groceries anytime they want.
This is the risk that we all take and if the risk is not for you,leave now.


Sr. Member
If you keep camming it's very likely that you'll be outed someday, some guys will take screenshots and before you know it you're on some amateur porn sites or forums for eternity, it's virtually impossible to remove all traces once something is out there. It's just a matter of time until search engines start offering facial recognition...

Even if you never show your face there's still a risk of being exposed through voice recognition. Some banks are already using it to ID you when calling them, it won't be long until such technology becomes available to everybody. Privacy is dead.

Like apryll11 says, it's a risk we all take and if you're not comfortable with it then it's best not to do it at all. Don't live your life in fear, it's not worth it.