Last week I noticed that a $20 gold tip registered as $14.11 on my Earning Report. I was paid 35% of $14.11, not $20. I sent screenshots to model support and was told it was because the customer is a Canadian and the amount reflected Canadian currency. This seemed odd, since the customer also spent 12 minutes in an Exclusive chat and my per-minute rate was not adjusted for international currency, so I wrote back asking:
This was the entire reply I received today:
Why would sending Gold as an extra tip be adjusted for international currency when the per-minute rate is not? Is this in the performer manual/contract? If so can you tell me where I can find it?
I am trying to understand the difference since when I make credit card purchases outside the USA, it is my credit card company that adjusts the amount that I pay, not the vendor.
This was the entire reply I received today:
Customers have the option to be charge on their own currency or US dollars. We charge based on what they have set on their account, if you see US dollars then that is what the customer has set for. Either way, you still get the same percentage.