I need to vent about lovesense


Im new to caming and for 2 months i have worked without a lush. I dont need to tell you that it was hard to make money without it. Now that I have one, I try to scan the QR code and it is telling me that this is not a lovesense QR code. I dont know what kind of company they are but how can I buy a lovesense on there website and they are telling me it's not a lovesense QR. They take so long to reply there email im just sick of this shit!! They always reply 2 days later how much longer am I going to wait for them to reply and how come a company that do this well dont have a live chat??
Anyone experience that with lovesense..


Sr. Member
Are you on Lovense connect app? There is Lovense connect and Lovense remote. They are two seperate things. Lovense connect has where you can scan the QR code from the camming website.