Hello all. Im mostly posting this in need of support and to vent and its impossible to find someone to elate this too without outing myself.
I cam full time. Its %50 of our household income. Truth is as much as mu husband wants to deny it, we NEED my cam money.
Since Covid, my son has been out of school as much as he is in it. For example, this month alone he has been home 13 days out of 20.
And it happens every month. There are NO daycares who will take him, and since he is 12 hes too old for the public care provided.
My husband doesn't want me to get another job outside of the house because he wants me to do the care duties (bus, being here when he gets home, ect).
So im pretty much force to work cam while hes asleep during the day which is more stress than I can describe. I'm constantly on edge that hes going to either hear me, or start banging on the door yelling.
In the past 3 months, hes been home about 60 days, and my husband has been off work a chunk of the remaining 30.
I feel like the only choice i have to to say fuck you to my husband and get a job outside of the house. He simply cant pay rent without me. And hes been missing as much work as my son has been missing school.
Any support/advice is welcome. When I try to talk about this to people outside camming I either have to divulge my job and get shamed or hear "just work form home!" types of stuff.
He was off last week, and I was feeling pretty hopeless and crying (and started drinking allot to cope with stress) and my husband downplays it and says "oh dont worry, next week you will have the full week to work I promise just stop being so negative"
and low and behold Tuesday they call us saying they are off for the rest of the week.
This is after being off most of December and November.
Do you work cam with your kids in the house? Whats made it easier for you if you do?
Have any of you given up on camming since school closures and changed to vanilla?
I cam full time. Its %50 of our household income. Truth is as much as mu husband wants to deny it, we NEED my cam money.
Since Covid, my son has been out of school as much as he is in it. For example, this month alone he has been home 13 days out of 20.
And it happens every month. There are NO daycares who will take him, and since he is 12 hes too old for the public care provided.
My husband doesn't want me to get another job outside of the house because he wants me to do the care duties (bus, being here when he gets home, ect).
So im pretty much force to work cam while hes asleep during the day which is more stress than I can describe. I'm constantly on edge that hes going to either hear me, or start banging on the door yelling.
In the past 3 months, hes been home about 60 days, and my husband has been off work a chunk of the remaining 30.
I feel like the only choice i have to to say fuck you to my husband and get a job outside of the house. He simply cant pay rent without me. And hes been missing as much work as my son has been missing school.
Any support/advice is welcome. When I try to talk about this to people outside camming I either have to divulge my job and get shamed or hear "just work form home!" types of stuff.
He was off last week, and I was feeling pretty hopeless and crying (and started drinking allot to cope with stress) and my husband downplays it and says "oh dont worry, next week you will have the full week to work I promise just stop being so negative"
and low and behold Tuesday they call us saying they are off for the rest of the week.
This is after being off most of December and November.
Do you work cam with your kids in the house? Whats made it easier for you if you do?
Have any of you given up on camming since school closures and changed to vanilla?