IMLive VS iFriends


Sr. Member
Hey There,

I would love to hear from anyone who has worked both of these sites, and can compare the two for me.

What do you love, and hate about each, and which do you prefer overall?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Take care, Jess


Sr. Member
Imlive sucks. full of freeloaders, can't mute guests and basics, u can after 120 hours in free chat do only paid chat but you'll get less shows, u can't charge as much as you want, 5.80 is the highest and u only get 35%, most guys that go private only stay in a few minutes.
iFriends on the other hand, u can skip free chat from day one and still get some shows, u can mute guest chat and the guys who remain have their CC on fi;e so u know they are able to pay, less freeloaders, most guys will take u pvt if you offer what they are looking for, u can charge as high as u want, u can get up to 100% , guys are nicer overall, site is's nothing like Imlive.