Madonna/Whore Complex


I stumbled upon this vid while just surfing the web for something interesting. Whether you're just a webcam model, or combine webcam modeling with other types of sex work, and/or regarding personal/business relationships in general, just wanted to read/see thoughts from people here on ACF on this topic. Ladies, guys, and/or transgenders, anybody can respond to this. I've seen interviews with madams in the past who have referred to the MWC as their calling card/$$$. Thoughts?


This was interesting. I was also a psych major before I went into legal studies and I studied sexual paraphilias and researched a lot of things - all things - about sex.

Breakdown: Men want to marry their mother. But, they cant treat or view or fuck her, the way they want to fuck their "whores." There's a conflict. Their mother, they have the idealistic, virtuous, pure vision of, offset by their own deep, sexual needs and innate desires. (We wont get into mother issues).

Granted, yes - my perspective is if everyone wants to fuck each others brains out the first night - go for it! Nothing "wrong" about it. As long as both partners are absolutely cool with it.

But, yes.. both partners naturally have no way of knowing you think anything special about them, or there's anything special going on, its in some way the exception to the rule, and youre not just a slut that puts out. (Or, man-whore," whatever).

So, you can healthily engage in sex, whenever you want. Day one. Hour one. As long as its healthy and mutually beneficial and both parties are completely into it - Great! No harm, no foul.

But, more regarding men's perception of females than females of men's (all women know 99.97% of men will, and theres that bullshit double-standard,) yes. if your easy, youll never be the high-quality, serious whatever type of partner, that you want to be viewed as, even if you tell him you never do that kind of thing. In his mind, he just met you, bought you a couple drinks or you guys went to dinner, watched a movie, he said all the right things, and off came your clothes. He has no way of knowing if you actually do or don't have standards, but in his mind, if you did it with him, you could/would do it with ANYBODY.

I actually only watched it cause I was thinking it was mislabeled about the "Princess Whore" complex. Its related, as far as some females innate need to be cherished, valued, virtuous on outside and in general interactions, but to have deep, "dirty" or aberrant sexual activity with their partners. Its more about balance, as well as striving to achieve societal normals and expectations which causes deep inhibition, and is overcompensated for and acted/balanced out by being "whores," in intimate relationships.

Anyway. Just my .02 Probably more than anyone cared to or will read. lol.