Mommy help needed!?


Mommy help needed!!

How do you keep your boys from peeing all over & around the tolilet?

My lil guys great except when he gets up to go in thd middle of the night. I keep the seat up at night for him & he has a pretty good night light but still misses but only at night.

Anyone else have this issue or any advice?
Sink the cheerios game! My aunt still brags about this. It will get their aiming better each time. Tell them you have an exciting game to play at potty time. Put 4-5 Cheerios in a small plastic container on the back of the toilet. They get to take them, throw them in and "you sunk my battleship" lol. Word of caution. Keep a strict eye on them when they go, BC they will be trying on sink everything. She woke up one morning to find her mascara, eyecream and a couple tampons floating. Good luck.