Morning Birds


Sr. Member
For anyone who does camming as their main source of income, do any of you cam at twilight/early morning hours? Yesterday I cammed from 6:30 AM til 10 and did really well surprisingly! Today I cammed from 7:45 til 10 and did alright with that also. I'm really considering on changing my focus towards being on maybe from 5 AM til 10 EST. I was curious to see if I'm the only crazy one who would do this at such early hours


Sr. Member
I'm an early riser, up as early as 5 - 6 am. I want to do this too, and your post is a good sign. May I ask what site? I am also in EST. The thing is, not to be TMI, but in the early AM I usually use the bathroom, drink coffee, maybe go twice, have breakfast. I don't live alone so I would have to try to get that all done, or like, get up at 5 am and do that all before 6 and get ready, then go on as long as I could. My question is, do you dress up? Makeup and outfit? Or more of a comfortable look? I'm just curious that's all.

Edit: I see you do token sites - I am on Cam4 and have had crappy luck and haven't given it a lot of time - maybe I will try to get on there in the early AM and see if it changes my luck