Niteflirt Recorded Listing

Limited characters allowed here but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. I know all of the legal stuff. That is not my question. I want to know WHAT to type in these areas that would be correct? We need examples to help us fill it out, not just don't do this or that stuff and nothing else. I have done in-person foot worship sessions before so I know how it's done. So what the hell would I type in an ad without giving away the actual session for free? Do I record it in an audio that I will upload after I type up this part of the ad? I'm just confused on what to do in order to do it without giving it away for free and without looking stupid to the guy or to NiteFlirt reviewers.

Then there is the price. What should I choose? Are they paying per minute of my recorded audio? Then it wants a photo. Of my feet? They could use that for free and then not buy the listing.

If I could get this part down pat then I could create lots of content in more than one section of the recorded listing menu.

Listings/Create a Recorded Listing/Adults Only>Find Women>
Fetish>Foot and Shoe
Choose a Title:

Choose a title which briefly describes the advice you're offering.

Describe Your Service:
Recorded listings are only for selling a recording where the customers calls the phone number and listens to the recording you uploaded. The customer pays per-minute to listen to the recording.

I don't find them very lucrative. Most callers only listen to 1 minute and then hang up. I'd rather upload my recordings to the goody format and sell them that way as a download. That way they have to pay for the entire recording and can't just sample a minute of it.